Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Motherhood

Being a mom is kind of like being hung-over all the time, only without being drunk the night before. I basically go about my day in a kind of cloudy haze getting things partially finished or partially started because either a wee munchkin interupts me somehow – usually with crying, screaming, puking, etc and/or I completely forget what I’m doing and/or I get distracted. Laundry gets halfway hung up, food gets lost, I can’t remember if I wrote the email I was planning on writing or if I just dreamed that I had written it. A lot of this happened under the influence of pregnancy as well, so I’m pretty used to it.

For me the hardest part of being a mom is the constant feeding. My nickname around the house has become “the diner”. “The diner” is apparently open for business 24/7 for Isabella and boy does she take advantage of that! She gets hungry about every 1 ½ - 2 hours and it usually takes almost an hour to feed her because she falls in and out of sleep while eating and its impossible to keep her awake or she eats too fast and has to be burped constantly. I’ve finally given up on trying to feed her faster – when I try it only seems to make matters worse. However, this feeding schedule only gives me a small window of opportunity to get anything done, especially since things like burping the Iz and changing her diaper are part of that tiny opportune window. The Doctor said that she’s just going through a “growing phase”. Funny how this phase has been going on since the day she was born. People have said that I should try to make her wait longer between feedings, but that’s really impossible. She screams like bloody murder when she’s hungry. I’ve never heard another human scream as loudly and as painfully as she does. She takes the term “Drama Queen!” to a whole new level. Personally, I think she will be an actress when she grows up.

Feeding her isn’t bad at all. I actually kind of enjoy it, except it makes me hungry all the time. I’ve turned to Scrubs to distract me during her feedings. I can’t believe I never watched this show before! Yeah, it’s silly, but I like it. I’ve successfully completed seasons 1 & 2 and am currently halfway through 3 thanks to my friend Ben for lending me his DVDs and (for the DVDs he is missing). I know I should be reading and working on my thesis during this time, but turning my mind off is so much better.
Luckily, she often sleeps for 3 whole hours at a time at night. Not always, but it’s great when she does. She sleeps in bed with us, which is a very controversial subject, but at this point I can’t imagine not having her sleep with us. It would be awful to have to physically get up in the middle of the night to feed her every time she wakes up. Instead I just kind of scoot over before she starts crying and everyone is happy. I know a lot of people say not to do this because then your child will never leave your bed, but I figure that will be a problem anyway. Both Nick and I LOVED sleeping with our parents in their bed and neither one of us started out life sleeping in the same bed as our parents like Isabella is doing now, we both had to sleep separately. So, we figure we’ll jump that hurdle if and when we come to it.

Okay, I change my mind, the worst part about being a mom is the hours long crying marathon that occur basically every night. It’s horrible. I now fully understand the definition of “colicky”. It’s absolutely terrible. She screams and screams in agonizing pain and nothing we do comfort her. I’m sure that part of it is acid reflux that she has and that I’ve been trying to tackle with my own diet and keeping her up right and so on, but still. She’s a little angel most of the day, but then at night my ears and heart bleed in pain as she screams and screams. They say colicky babies turn out to be incredibly smart, thus I’m pretty sure we have some kind of Einstein on our hands. I mean really, I’m just waiting for the neighbors to call the police because it sounds like we terrorize her for hours each night. This kid must be a genius.

The Darling Trust

I'm planning on blogging some more, but every time I start something (or rather someone) stops me. Anyhow, until then I want you to check out The Darling Trust. Darling is a community in South Africa where my dear friend Lara lives and works. She is part of the Darling Trust - which is a Trust that is working to help their community by teaching and empowering the people through education and teaching them various skills. Check it out! Here is their website:

You can also follow their blog here:

By following their blog and also writing about their blog in yours you can help The Darling Trust gain recognition and hopefully help further their finances! So, be a darling and read their blog for more information:)

This blog post is part of Zemanta's "Blogging For a Cause" campaign to raise awareness and funds for worthy causes that bloggers care about.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Don't Let Me Down"

I feel like I’m in love for the first time, but it’s not a romantic love – it’s a different kind. It’s a love that lasts forever. It’s a love that has no past. I’m absolutely, positively in love with my daughter.

I always thought having a baby would be horrible. You don’t get to sleep, you have this small creature that’s always crying and pooping and you have to take full responsibility for it. When people say having a baby is hard I always assumed that this is the stuff they are talking about. I mean really, who wants to change a poopy diaper or have your own breast milk vomited up all over you or have a baby cry at the top of her lungs for an hour and nothing you do calms her down? All of that stuff sounds horrible! But, the truth is, is that that stuff in and of itself doesn’t bother me at all. Seriously, not at all! The part that is difficult is that suddenly I have this enormous overwhelming desire to do everything I can for my little baby. I want to protect her and make her happy. The horribly difficult part is that I’m not God and I can’t protect her or make her happy 100% of the time. For me the hard part about being a parent is that sometimes my baby cries and all I want is for her to stop – not because its annoying but because I love her so much I can’t stand to see her so incredibly distressed. When she spits up or even throws up all over me I’m not upset because I’m dirty, I’m upset because I don’t know what’s wrong with her and I want her to be healthy and feel good. Sure, I’m exhausted and I don’t always remember to brush my teeth. I nearly took Mia on a walk yesterday and realized at the very last moment that I wasn’t wearing a shirt – just my bra! But my exhaustion doesn’t matter, because only she does.

Being a mom is the greatest thing I think I’ve ever experienced. It’s so huge that I know it still hasn’t hit me. I just can’t believe that my husband and I created this beautiful little creature. It’s so basic and fundamental, yet so incredible and unbelievable! We are so lucky. I love my daughter so much it hurts.

Yesterday, I was home alone and she started crying uncontrollably. Nothing I did consoled her. She wasn’t hungry, she didn’t want to lie down or go on a walk – nothing! It was horrible and her cries kept getting louder and louder. Finally, I took her in the living room and turned on the stereo. The Forrest Gump soundtrack was in, so I hit play and turned the music up loud. I figured at the very least I could try and save my own sanity by drowning out her cries a bit. But, then something strange happened. As soon as the music started she stopped screaming. I held her in my arms and watched in amazement as she calmed down immediately and smiled at me! I couldn’t believe it. And then it hit me, she is my little girl – all she wanted was to listen to some good music. By the end of the first song she was peacefully sleeping in my arms and I was the one crying uncontrollably. I rocked her in my arms and sang the entire soundtrack to her with tears streaming down my face as the sun was setting. It was one of the most magical moments I’ve ever experienced.

Don’t worry, I promise I won’t become one of those mom’s who lives for their child or who sacrifices their marriage and/or social life for their child. However, I’m sure I will be over-protective – I’ll try not to be, but I already feel sick to my stomach when I think of her dating one day. Who knows – her future is so bright, anything is possible. I can’t wait to see where her life leads her, but I’m glad it will take a long time before it begins to lead her away☺