To find out, I had to map a new run. One that is the full 5k. This task turned out to be rather difficult. I wanted to make it so that I could take Isabella with me in her Baby Jogger, but avoid streets with cars and preferably not run in circles. Of course, Izzy is not a huge fan of the stroller, not since she's seen the world in full view in her Baby Bjorn. When I go running I usually have to get Nick to babysit, because I'm afraid the Iz will just end up crying if I take her and I'll end up having to carry her in one arm and push the stroller with the other and running will just be a dream. This fear, unfortunately, enables me to run about once a week if I'm lucky. So, in order to start running regularly I'm going to have to find away to persuade Isabella to stay in her stroller and be content. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
So, I created a 5k route that I decided to test out today. I really wasn't sure if I would be able to survive it or not. 5k's really aren't that difficult. In fact, in my younger days when I was childless, unmarried and living at Nad Aleji I went on a 6k run 3-5 days a week without any problems! It only took me about 25 - 30 minutes. However, taking a year off from running due to pregnancy and resulting in childbirth seriously messes up the body. But, I figure I have to start somewhere and this 5k race is just the motivation I need to get me on the road again.
I put on an old Redlands 4th of July T-shirt, shorts and running shoes took Mia and left the husband and baby at home and somehow, I managed to survive the full 5k's. I did have to walk a bit and I ran at a speed that is probably slower than a tall man's fast stride, but I finished the 5k in about 40 minutes - which is under 60 minutes (the maximum time limit for the 5k race!). So, I know I can do it!!
Now I'm really excited about the 5k race. It takes place at night in downtown Prague where there will be lots of live bands and other festivities. I've decided that I'm going to run by myself, because I don't think anyone else would want to go at my grandma-pace. Plus, I love to just listen to music and get lost in my thoughts while I run. Today I was inspired a bit by my new favorite Catholic Priest - Father Roderick, who does a podcast that I've been listening to. I watched a short youtube video he made about running and praying. I try to pray when I run and it's easy when I run up steep hills, but it's definitely something I should do more often.
AND we got a years pass to the Prague Zoo! I LOVE the Prague zoo. It's so casual and fun. You can bring your dog and they provide doggy bowls with water in them all over the zoo. We took Mia the first time and I went again yesterday with just Isabella. Izzy seemed to really like it - especially the flamingos, tropical fish, penguins and parrots. When we went in the Indonesian Jungle everyone was watching the monkeys, everyone except for Isabella who was fascinated by all the people:) When we took her to the giraffes, one young giraffe was very interested in Isabella and walked up really close to us, but Izzy didn't seem to care. I guess she's used to both people and animals staring at her, wondering what this little hairy creature is all about?