At my last appointment they gave me a new due date (after the ultrasound and running a bunch of blood tests). Sorry Christina, but the baby's new due date is April 19. If you're lucky the baby will wait around for another week:) April 19th is Pavel, Nick's youngest brother's birthday and my Aunt Tina's birthday. It's also the day before Hitler's birthday. Lucky little baby of mine;)
Today the baby is 16weeks and 5 days old - by the doctors count, which counts about 2 weeks before the baby was actually conceived. I have no idea why they do it this way, but even all of the pregnancy books I've been reading use the same count. So, far I've had a challenging pregnancy. The first trimester was terrible. I was completely exhausted and nauseous ALL THE TIME. I lived on toast and constant sleep. During this time I got a bladder infection and diarrhea the same week (sorry for you who are more sensitive, but I have to tell it like it is). My nose is constantly full - a strange side effect from the massive amount of hormones ranging through my body. I've had a terrible sinus infection for nearly a month and have started a coughing like an old lady who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I can't take hardly any medicine because it can hurt the baby. I'm also supposed to be really careful about what I eat. Apparently, sugar is the devil, however I love the devil and succumb to it's powers all the time. I hope it doesn't mess Charlie up too much. I'm trying to eat healthy, but for whatever reason I'm just completely turned off to most veggies and fruit. It's bizarre, because normally I crave healthy food like that. I guess my baby is really and truly czech, so pass the meat and potatoes and give me cream-filled dumplings for dessert!
I haven't got much of a belly yet, but I actually got in trouble for gaining weight to quickly at my last gyno appointment on Tuesday. I gained 3 kilos (or about 6.6 lbs) in 4 weeks. I'm only supposed to gain 1 pound a week. So, I'm trying to exercise more and eat healthier, but I didn't make any promises to my doctor... I have no aspirations to become a MILF. If this is the end of my figure, so be it. I'm sure I'll regret this in the future, but for now I'm not going to worry about it. I do have to be careful not to gain too much weight because it can really hurt the baby, but I don't think I will gain that much. There's no Taco Bell in this country, so I'm safe.
Hi Charlie! I can't wait to meet you. It's okay if we don't share a birthday; April 28th is (uh, was) Saddam Hussein's birthday as well, so its either him or Hitler - take your pick. Tell your mother to eat sugar, it won't hurt you, it'll only make you sweeter. Bye Charlie, see you soon!
Charlie is being held up by the University of Redlands!
Hi Sam, love the blog! CONGRATS on the baby:) APRIL 20th is my birthday you should have him then!
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