Furthermore, the Czech Republic holds the EU presidency right now. You would think they would have taken this into consideration and been a bit more responsible during this time. After all, they could help out their own country a ton if they wanted to while they hold the EU presidency - they get to set the agenda. Oh and not to mention the fact that it's simply embarrassing.
It's just so selfish and pathetic. I don't mean to just point fingers at the Czech government, I know my government is no knight in shining armor either and I'm sure if we had the same parliamentary system we'd see similar situations in America, but thankfully we have what I consider to be a much more rational democratic system (though even my husband argues with me about this). Still, the american government has been suffering from the same petty partisan parasite (in both parties) that is sucking the life out of... (how can I write this without becoming dramatic and partisan myself?)
What is the purpose of government?
The answer(s) to this question varies so dramatically that it can cause wars, it creates an extreme variety of political parties and it makes for great long debates amongst friends and enemies. What I've seen lately to be the answer to this question in both my own country and the Czech Republic is that the purpose of government is to put on a huge dramatic soap opera in which major partisanship is the main plot. Who knew that politicians could be such drama queens? I know that it has basically always been like this and pretty much every political party has waved their thespian flag at some point. I know that Mr. Smith's rarely exist in reality and even when he does he rarely go to Washington to try and serve the people. But still, am I being too much of an idealist to have assumed that in a time of global economic crisis politicians would put away their whoopee cushions and get down to business for the sake of their own families, the citizens they represent, their country's and simply for stability in a time of great instability?
People are really worried here in the Czech Republic that this unstable government may give the communists a good foothold to gain even more power than they already hold. There are rumors that a big bear in the east is already at work pulling strings - possibly even causing the collapse of the Czech government. Already Latvia and Hungary, two other EU countries, have suffered a similar fate to the Czech Republic. It only makes me wonder what will happen next? Chaos isn't normally a recipe for peace and prosperity, but for something thats quite the opposite. We can only hope that politicians and partisan party members begin to take their heads out of their asses and start thinking about the greater good instead of their own petty selfish well being. Unless, of course, problems really do fix themselves magically - then we can all gleefully stick our heads up our asses until this whole thing blows over - for some of us the view is probably a lot better up there anyways... If only I could believe that.

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