Sorry I haven't written for awhile. I've been really busy and in my 'free time' (which sort of doesn't exist anymore) I just laze around and watch TV. Isabella likes to be held and I have to hold her for a long time to get her to sleep before I can put her down. So, I've started watching the Gilmore Girls for the first time and have become mildly obsessed with it. I started with season 1 episode 1 and am already up to season 3 episode 2. I wish I had someone to talk to about the show, but everyone I know who watches it has seen all of them and I don't want anything spoiled. Anyhow, I feel pretty guilty for the amount of time I spend watching this show when I know I should spend every second of my 'free time' working on my thesis, but we all need breaks once in awhile.
I've written 22 pages for my thesis (which I've nicknamed 'turkey' because I'm tired of saying and thinking 'thesis'), so I haven't been completely lazy! I sent them into my advisor and just got it back with a bunch of notes. I'm happy though, he said it was OK which is good. I was worried he'd send it back and tell me I had to start over again. I'm writing about the Christian Right and their influence on Presidential elections (in the U.S. Other countries have "Christian Rights" too, though not very many. Most, like in Europe only have "Christian Lefts"). It's really hard to keep it focused. I find it all so interesting that I feel like I could write hundreds of pages on it, but it should only be 70 - 100 pages long. In some ways its difficult to be completely unbiased on the topic, but in other ways it isn't that difficult because I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. My underlying argument is that the abortion issue is what gives the Christian Right the most influence and without it they would have much less power. The Christian Right is actually a very influential voting block in the U.S. From what I've read - the only reason Obama won was because of the economy and because Bush had such low ratings. But, once the economy is better, there's a good chance the Christian Right will be influential again. Especially since the majority of americans are now pro-life for the first time according to a recent gallup poll.
Anyhow, I probably won't write any blogs for awhile. For one, I don't think anyone reads them. Secondly, I don't blame them because I don't have anything very interesting to say. And finally, I really do need to focus all of my writing on my turkey. Thus, this dangling conversation will dangle indefinitely for a time.
Next week Izzy and I fly to California! I'm trying really hard not to be nervous. We will be living with my parents for nearly 5 weeks! My parents are going to babysit so I can get a lot of work done on my turkey. It's going to be hard. I'm going to miss Nick a lot. He's going to be stuck in Prague working on his own turkey. I'm also going to miss Mia. I wish there were someway I could explain to her that I'm leaving, but that I'll be back! I'm mostly nervous about the incredibly long flight. Traveling alone with a teething baby just sounds impossible to me, but I keep reminding myself that I'm not the first person to do this nor am I a bad mother for doing it and thousands (hundreds?) of babies fly long distances all the time. Speaking of time, the time difference is 9 hours. It always takes me a good two weeks to get used to it. I have no idea how Isabella will cope with the time difference or how we'll cope together. Poor baby. I just hope more than anything that she will be healthy and happy and that this trip won't hurt her in anyway. I'm excited to show her the ocean and palm trees and well, Redlands and all the people there! I can't believe I'm flying home with my baby for the first time. I never would have imagined myself to be where I am today 10 years ago, but I'm sure that what ever vision I had for myself at that time is nowhere as great as reality. I am so happy and thankful for the life I am living!:) I wonder where we'll be 10 years from now?
Okay, time for another episode of Gilmore Girls. I hope Lorelai ends up with Christopher somehow!! And I hope Rory gets over Jess, he is such bad news... I know, I'm incredibly lame.
1 comment:
I love reading your blog! I miss you and it's great to catch up on your life. Izzy is looking super cute by the way! I'm sending major love and good vibes for the trip to California. (I can't say 'California' without singing it a la Joni Mitchell in my head! :)
And good luck with the turkey! (If/when 'turkey' gets old, there are a number of other 'game birds' one can use as a psuedonym: guinea fowl, pheasant, grouse, etc. :)
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